The Diocese of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia
This page is dedicated to the records and updates for all notifications pertaining to the 2022 Hymns Competition
1. First Announcement
The hymns, website, and competition date were announced/made public on 12/28/2021
The Competition will take place on Saturday, April 9, 2022, at St. George in Norristown, PA, and through Recorded Submission from 04/04/2022 - 04/08/2022
2. Registration Deadline
The deadline to register for this year's event is Saturday, March 26, 2022
Please complete this form once, and in full, and email it to
3. Informational ZOOM Meeting
There will be an Informational Session for the servants, and anyone interested, on ZOOM, on 01/24/2022 at 7:45 PM
Meeting ID: 913 8508 5539
Password: Hymns
If you have any questions or desire further clarification, please send an email to
4. Full Hymns Packet (Text Only)
A BIG thank you to the servant at St. Mary, MD who compiled together all the Hymns (Coptic/Greek/English) and memorizations into one accurate packet
It is highly recommended that you print out this packet, and add your own Hazzat/Markings
5. Informational Registration ZOOM Meeting
There will be an Informational Session for the servants, and anyone interested, on ZOOM on 02/28/2022 at 7:30 PM to go over registration and to answer any questions you may have
Meeting ID: 939 8747 0088
Password: Hymns
If you have any questions or desire further clarification, please send an email to
6. Updated Groups to Include Grades
On 02/09/2022 we updated our Group Criteria to include Academic-School Grades
This was done after many churches and individuals asked for this to be incorporated into The Competition to allow for increased participation
If you have any questions or desire further clarification, please send an email to
7. Recorded Submission, NO ZOOM!
On 02/14/2022 we announced that we will NOT be utilizing ZOOM this year and those who wish to participate virtually may do so via a Recorded Submission
If you fall under this category, it must be indicated on your church's Registration Form
If you choose to compete via a Recorded Submission, please review this document in its entirety!
​If you have any questions or desire further clarification, please send an email to
8. Judges Meeting
On 03/30/2022 we held our Judges Meeting to distribute important information and answer questions
If you have any questions or desire further clarification, please send an email to
9. Random Hymn Assignments
On 04/03/2022 those competing through a Recorded Submission were notified of their Random Hymn Assignment​
If you have any questions or desire further clarification, please send an email to
10. In-Person Competition Information
The Competition will start at 12:30 PM on 04/09/2022 at St. George in Norristown, but everyone is invited to attend Liturgy from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM. Breakfast will start being served at 11:15 AM. Final Reviews and Fellowship will happen until 11:50 AM. We will hold the Welcome Meeting at 12:00 PM in the Main Sanctuary
Each group will compete in a different location:
First Group: The Auditorium
Second Group: The Main Sanctuary
Third Group: The 4th and 5th Grade Sunday School Room
Fourth Group: The Middle School Sunday School Room
Fifth Group: The Main Sanctuary after Second Group has finished
We will have Room Monitors and Ushers to assist you throughout the day
Lunch will begin being served at 1:30 PM in the Church Basement and there will be Games/Activities throughout the day for those who finished competing or are not competing
Winners will be announced around 6:30 PM w/ HG Bishop Karas and The Fathers Present
If you have any questions or desire further clarification, please send an email to
11. Total Attedence
Total Participants: 347
Title who participated through a Recorded Submission: 177
Total who participated In-Person at St. George in Norristown: 170
Total who placed: 23
Total who learned Hymns and grew spiritually: 347+
Churches who participated:
St. George, Norristown (77)
Archangel Michael and St. Karas, York (68)
St. Mary, Lancaster (59)
St. Mark, Harrisburg (45 + Choir)
St. Mary and St. Pope Kyrillos, Hatfield (36)
St. Mary, Delaware (31)
St. Mina and St. Pope Kyrillos, Carlisle (27)
St. Mary, Washington DC (4)
“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God”
1 Peter 4:10